
If I use the portfolio in order to assess students will this affect their creativity and freedom of expression?

If I extend students’ autonomy, does my role as a subject expert will be challenged?

Dilemma: Am I legitimized to change a long-established traditional practice by enriching it with new tools and practices?

Changing practice and why I decided to focus mostly on the level of the ongoing activity.

Action 04: Utilizing digital/online portfolios as an assessment practice

Action 03: Embracing ‘social networking’ media in my practice

Action 02: Enrich my practice with learning activities that are culturally authentic, allow multiple learning trajectories to flourish and promote collaboration

Action 01: Exploring alternative ways of arranging drawing tables

Thinking about an educational practice and how it could be innovated

Theoritical perspective and practices or how theory can enhance educational practice

Research in education: Sheduling an interview

Ethics Checklist while doing a research

Analyzing the results of the previous questionnaires

Questionnaire: Evaluate an activity in an architectural drawing class