Research in education: Sheduling an interview

Schedule of the interview


·          Arranging seating

5 min

·          Saying a few words about my research (intentions, personal interests, etc) and encouraging students to contribute to this.
·          Clarifying practical issues (who should speak and how)

5 min

·          Discussing about the educational process

-What do you think about the teaching/ learning process? What do you like or dislike?
-Do you have anything to suggest that would improve the learning process?

50 min

·          Break

5 min

·          Discussing about the subject

-What do you think about perspective drawing?  What do you like or dislike?
-What do you think will be the impact on your professional career and future studies

30 min

·          Reviewing /summarizing

5 min

·          Asking if someone wants to make additional comments


2 hr

Other organizational issues:
     - Students should express their opinion in turn
     - In order someone to intervene should raise his/her hand by saying his/her name.

Schedule of the research

Interview’s Timetable

11 April

Preparing the interview. Discussing with students about several details. Asking permissions and clarifying ethical issues. Arranging about recording.

18 April


2 May

Contacting a two-hour interview

9 May

Discussing about the results with the group. Agreeing to focus on one issue. Discussing about possible amendments of the course

16 May

National strike /  the weekly course was cancelled

23 May

Incorporating the amendments to the typical course. The students should work in their homes

30 May

Last week / Giving questionnaires

5 May

Analyzing the results
