Reflecting on my future plans for Continuing Professional Development

Previously, I have argued that my learning could be divided into two broad learning types. In addition, I have also stated that, due to my aspirations for an academic career, I should turn my attention to those CPD activities that offer an accredited degree (certification, Master, PHD, etc). Thus, combining the above two arguments (two learning types + the requirement for accredited knowledge) I would propose two CPD areas, that could successfully fit into my future plans for personal and/or professional development.

CPD Area 1
CPD Area 2

CPD activities that will endorse my artistic development and in addition will provide an accredited degree.

CPD activities that will endorse my technical knowledge and in addition will provide an accredited degree.

The reasons for opting for those CPD activities that will promote my artistic development are intrinsic and comply with my innate needs for creation and artistic expression. I conceive those learning options, as unique opportunities to communicate with other people, start understanding deeper how other humans create, engage with new ideas and experiences, develop my aesthetic judgment and creative thinking, overcome the daily routine of the professional practice and do something alternative and innovative.
Although, these activities don’t have a straightforward and measurable impact on my professional context, nevertheless I’ll keep selecting them in the future, since I deeply believe that they have an indirect but crucial impact both on my personal and professional development (creativity, innovative thinking, psychological well-being, etc). 
The reasons for opting for those CPD activities that will endorse my technical knowledge are mostly extrinsic and comply with my needs for professional and economical development and with the market requirements for high, technological knowledge. I conceive these learning options, as opportunities to increase my employability, to improve my brand name and portfolio, to stay updated to the latest technological advances, to open up to new customers, services, employers, etc.
Although, these activities have a domesticating character and sometimes makes me feel restricted and controlled by outside forces, however I’ll keep selecting them in the future, since I perceive myself as a modern professional who works in a competitive environment, offers high-quality services, and needs regular training in several technical-economical subjects.
In order to make more specific, what I have analyzed above, I have drawn a table, presenting several CPD (Continuing Professional Development) activities that on the one hand can be categorized under the areas of artistic development or technical knowledge and on the other can provide the necessary accredited qualification.

Artistic Expression




Graphic arts
To engage with new media and advances in the area of graphic arts
Art history
To obtain deeper insight into the art world, human culture and creation.
Art education
To investigate the learning processes in the area of arts and design.
Technical Knowledge



Digital drawing
To obtain the latest technology skills in computer drawing
To open up to new customers and services using the internet.
Sustainable architecture 

To learn about the new area of sustainable and ecological design.
Possible CPD activities that I might select in the future.
Finally, and in order to prevent a possible, wrong selection of a future CPD activity, I’ve decided to draw an exploratory questionnaire that will help me decide whether a learning activity will be suitable and beneficial for me (at the given time).

A Self-test before the selection of a CPD activity (a small example)

personal life

Do I have available time?

Personal interests

Do I find the subject intriguing?


Personal/professional development

Do I find the subject useful?
