My strategy for effective learning.

In order to learn more intensively and deeply, I need to focus on those processes that urge participation, promote action, advocate creation, etc. Unfortunately, not all CPD activities promote action, since many of them include long speeches and “boring” presentations, demand extensive readings and memorizations, etc. In these “unavoidable” cases, instead of rejecting completely the CPD activity or compromising with processes of surface learning, I would prefer to undertake the personal responsibility of flavoring the learning process, by adding intriguing activities, developing my own assignments, locating groups of interest outside the formal boundaries, suggesting participation, encouraging individual or communal creation, etc.

            The notion of personal responsibility combined with the ideas about the utilization of the existing surroundings made me discover that my environment (living and working) conceals a “treasure” of knowledge sources, which are free, unexplored and easy accessed. Thus, according to my strategy, on the occasion of a future CPD (Continuing Professional Development) activity I can undertake the initiative to start searching for additional learning sources (physical and social), considering the process as a playful discovery with aim to extract the best from my “near” environment.
These additional knowledge sources could be for example the following:
a)       Internet sources: Most of the internet sources (forums, blogs, encyclopedias and libraries) can provide rich information and numerous possibilities for communication. However, this kind of information needs careful evaluation for their validity and soundness.  
b)      Human resources: The notion of communities of practice and intuitive learning made me realize that part of my strategy should be the establishment of several communication channels among colleagues and friends. These learning networks allow the exchange of ideas and the constructive criticism of the group towards the individuals and vice versa.
Certainly, the exploitation of every available knowledge source (physical or social) is important to my learning but the pointless and untargeted searching can easily become frustrating and confusing, if not seen as part of an overall planning. Consequently and inspired by the ideas that all experiences are somehow inter-connected and that the emphasis should be given on the direction of those experiences, encouraged me to draw an overall map, attempting to put together several CPD activities, prioritizing and orienting them towards my personal/ professional development.
Consequently, the following sub-headings characterize my personal strategy for effective learning.
  • Personal responsibility for active learning.
  • Searching for available learning sources (physical, social) from my near environment
  • Inter-connecting learning experiences and directing them towards personal/professional development
