Questionnaires that inform educational practice: The case of CAD teaching at higher educational level.
Let’s consider that CAD teaching is comprised of the following four different
Training which is concerned with the
acquisition of specific skills.
Instruction which is concerned
with the retention of information
Initiation which is concerned
with the acquisition of social skills
Induction which is at the core of the
educational process and is concerned with the deep structures of knowledge
The category of initiation is excluded, because CAD courses have a
dominant focus on the professional development and offer little in the area of
social development. For each category and having in mind that any research must
have a clear purpose, we tried to exemplify a typical questionnaire.
Questionnaire informing the TRAINING
Type of questionnaire: anonymous, in situ in a group given on the completion of the course.
Research purpose: Identify the variables (curriculum, environment, duration of the course
etc) which maximize the acquired skills in relation to the professional
Drawing on your experience
in 2D-CAD course answer the following questions.
you think that the duration of the course was sufficient for your CAD
No. I needed more time
Yes. It was sufficient
in mind that working with computers is sometimes tedious, which time-schedule
do you consider more efficient?
Once a week for 3 hours
Twice a week for 1 1/2
you think that the acquired skills were the appropriate for your academic
development or professional career?
would you characterize yourself after the completion of the course?
Beginner user
Medium user
Advanced user
else do you think it should be included in the course curriculum in order to
become a more competent user?
-The questionnaire contains mostly closed-ended questions as the focus
is on the learning outcomes. However, a few open-ended questions must be
included, since the exclusivity of closed-ended questions conceals problems
that are not in the perception of the researcher.
-The questionnaire can be given on the completion of the semester so
that the students answer using their experience. Unfortunately, any expected
improvements can be applied only in the next course.
-The questionnaire inquires the student’s opinion. But with regard to professional
development maybe the most appropriate people to answer are the professionals
Questionnaire informing the INSTRUCTION
Type of questionnaire: anonymous, in situ in a group given at the start and the end of the
Research purpose: Identify the most
effective educational material in relation to the command knowledge.
you believe that you will need (or needed) supplementary material, for your
of the following supplementary materials you found useful and which useless
Video tutorials
A printed Handbook
Printed Summary notes
Online forums, e-books etc
you have any comments, in relation to the material?
-The questionnaire should contain a combination of closed-ended and
open-ended questions.
-The questionnaire can be given at the start of the semester
investigating the general preferences of the students. A similar questionnaire
can be given at the end of the course investigating the student’s opinion after
the use of the materials.
Questionnaire informing the INDUCTION
Type of questionnaire: anonymous, administered individually, given in the middle of the course.
Research purpose: Explore if the use of
hand sketching can stimulate the creativity and imagination in digital drawing.
you are using a digital representation method, like CAD, do you represent
your ideas directly to the computer, or they precede other procedures, like
hand sketching, mental representation etc. Please give details on how you
convey the design ideas from your mind to the computer.
you find any differences or similarities between hand drawing and digital
drawing? Feel free to assess whatever you find interesting (the drawing
process, the aesthetic result etc)………………………………………………………………………………
-The questionnaire must be given individually so that the students will
have the time to complete it thoroughly.
-The questionnaire should contain mostly open-ended questions in order
to focus on the learning procedure and on the deeper structures of knowledge.
-The analysis of the answer need reflection rather that statistical
From the above, I would conclude that questionnaires can inform Cad
teaching in several aspects (training, instruction, induction) providing the
practitioner with both quantitative and qualitative sorts of evidence. But although
it seems easy to conduct such a research, however the design of the
questionnaire needs meticulous consideration on a variety of issues, such us
the type of the questions, the characteristics of the respondents, the size of
the sample, the research purposes, the period to be administered etc. Additionally, the analysis of the answers is a
thorny task that either requires knowledge of statistical methods either
requires time-consuming reflection. In all cases, small scale researches,
limited within the classroom are accused to produce inconclusive and
contestable findings.
Without doubt, questionnaires give voice to students and the opportunity
to judge the learning process drawing on their own experience, imagination,
preferences etc. But how reliable and objective are the findings that derive
from the evaluation of the respondents or the analysis of this evaluation? In
this point, test scores seem more trustworthy in the sense that the
teacher-assessor evaluates the performance of the students and not the students
themselves. There is also skepticism on whether multifaceted concepts can be
expressed verbally thought a questionnaire even when the questions are
open-ended. In this point, field notes seem more flexible. Also, the fact that the
presuppositions of the teacher inevitably interfere both in the design of the
questionnaire and in the interpretations of the answers, makes the validity of
the evidences even more uncertain
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