What direction my development might take in the future?
My main occupation is architecture, architectural journalism and architectural education. Nevertheless, at periods I’m undertaking additional professional activities, working as an artist, designer, author, etc. While, these activities may seem contradictory to each other, I conceive them as parts of the broad employment opportunities that the architectural occupation offers. Thus the personal viewpoint that the architect is one of the most ambiguous and multifarious professionals (or personalities) merging the creative and artistic skills of a designer with the technical and scientific knowledge of an engineer, influences considerably my perspective about continuing professional development.
My main occupation is architecture, architectural journalism and architectural education. Nevertheless, at periods I’m undertaking additional professional activities, working as an artist, designer, author, etc. While, these activities may seem contradictory to each other, I conceive them as parts of the broad employment opportunities that the architectural occupation offers. Thus the personal viewpoint that the architect is one of the most ambiguous and multifarious professionals (or personalities) merging the creative and artistic skills of a designer with the technical and scientific knowledge of an engineer, influences considerably my perspective about continuing professional development.
order to illustrate further the above judgment, I decided to draw a table with
my latest CPD (Continuing Professional Development) activities, categorizing
them according to the affect that I think they had to my professional
development. All the activities that I attended during the last years were
selected voluntarily by me and they were not compelled by an employer.
in both artistic and technical knowledge
in technical knowledge.
-Ceramic apprenticeship in the
studio of an artist (duration: more than 2 years)
-Several workshops and seminars
for artists (small duration)
-3DS Max training (190 hours)
-Spanish language and literature
-CPD in energy-saving buildings
(400 hours)
In an
attempt to self-evaluate my CPD choices (why I selected the particular subjects
and what I was expecting from these CDP activities) I would say, that I was
always oscillating between the activities that could improve my artistic
expression and those that could provide me with the necessary technical
knowledge. Unfortunately, for me, the two directions were always contradictory,
as too much attention, to the artistic development resulted in damages to my
professional practice as an engineer and the opposite. And, because this
dilemma caused me many times frustration and disappointment, while it was the
main reason for abandoning one activity in order to undertake another, I’ve
decided, some time ago, to turn my focus in one direction and to limit significantly
the field of my interests, to those CPD activities that could develop mostly
the artistic creativity. Of course, I’m aware that the artistic development
(art learning) is a slow, uncertain and time-consuming procedure, like the art
itself, with vague learning outcomes.
At present,
I am working as a part-time adjunct instructor in a faculty of fine and applied
arts. The particular professional context is extremely competitive, since the
majority or the training staff is highly qualified and have clear aspirations
for promotion. Under these antagonistic circumstances, a common approach for
anyone who wants to increase the opportunities for academic career and to build
a competitive CV, is through the Continuing Professional Development and the subsequent
obtaining of a degree. Consequently, and since the minimum requirements for an
academic career is the Master or even better a PhD degree and since I plan to
continue teaching in higher education, then I must limit the selection of CPD
activities to those that lead to the obtaining of a degree.
So, as far
as now, I have identified two key factors derived from the characteristics of
my professional practice and will become drivers for my future continuing
professional development. These are:
The improvement of my
artistic skills.
The obtaining of an academic
The above
criteria must additionally fit into my style of life and to my learning
preferences. For example, I have recently moved into a small town with limited
educational facilities, while the possibility of a new relocation in the near
future is significant. Moreover, I prefer those CPD activities that I can
attend from my home, at my one pace and time schedule. So, I consider any CPD
educational program guided by the two key factors previously identified and
offered via distance learning, advantageous for my future professional
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